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Personal Consultations

My Story

Having suffered from PTSD, anxiety and forms of depression in the past, I understand first-hand the debilitating effects of poor mental health, which affects our ability to live a fulfilling life. Simple things – communication, dealing with stress, issues in the workplace, managing aches and pains of the body, a positive attitude and creating meaningful personal relationships – can all become a bit of a struggle.


After leaving the Forces with a number of mental health issues, I embarked on a self-help programme by travelling around the globe. Throughout my travels, I meditated with Buddhist monks and worked in ashrams in India, Vietnam, Czech Republic, Turkey and Greece. (Of course, it's not necessary to travel the world to improve your wellbeing -- this was just my path.) I discovered that through creative visualisation, meditation, the awareness of breath and emotion and looking inwards, I was able to tap into what really mattered. I then began to focus on simple things like smiling, contentment, gratitude and friendship. I realised that for the most part, it’s your attitude and perspective on life that really matters.


Here are a few factoids that have contributed to my ongoing journey:

  • I served in the armed forces for 5 years, completing active service in the Gulf.

  • I‘m an adventure training instructor.

  • I have studied in ashrams and practised meditation with Buddhist Monks.

  • As a teenager, my family and I were evicted from our family home.

  • I’m a certified bungee jump programmer -- I have completed over 300 jumps.

  • I’ve lived and worked in over 10 countries.

  • I had suffered in the past from depression for most of my adult life.

  • In 2016 I found out I had a living father, brothers and a sister in Detroit.

  • In 2018 I went to meet this new black family.

  • I’d describe myself as extremely spiritual but not airy-fairy.

  • I’m allergic to cheese -- but my favourite crisps are cheese & onion!

  • I’ve jumped out of planes and helicopters (with a parachute or bungee on, of course!)

  • I was brought up by my white mum and three white sisters -- I’m literally the black sheep of the family.

  • I have two degrees and one Masters. None of them have anything to do with spirituality or yoga.

  • There are lots of other life facts not listed here that I’m not yet ready to express. My journey is ongoing and will be part of a book I'm writing just now.

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How This Can Benefit You

I offer meditation, mindfulness and positive therapy techniques to address the challenges in your life. You will receive a personal service, discussion and practice, looking at the aspects of your life that you wish to change. This can be through 1 to 1 interaction, video discussion, phone and/or home visits.


What I have personally found since adopting spiritual principles:


  • I care less about what people think of me. I can teach you how to do this.

  • Judging less makes you happier. This is a fact and I can show you how it works.

  • I am now open to change across all aspects of my life. You can adopt this to have true internal scope.

  • Stop, breathe and think before reacting, a skill that will allow you to simply ‘be’.

  • I’m more mindful of myself, ideas, love, death and the universe -- a more connected way to live.

  • I’m now grateful. Gratitude is important for your future peace of mind.

  • Gossip is futile and pointless. Gossip is for the dis-empowered. Be empowered.

  • Connection is the ability to understand that we are all a little weird, wounded and looking for answers. I can help you realise this and direct you to a path which is more comfortable and happier.


If you’re interested in an initial consultation (with no obligation of course), simply contact me using your preferred method:



Phone: 07952 256696

Facebook: Yoga Ganesh Edinburgh


I will walk you through a process tailored to your specific needs and together we will map a plan on how to achieve your goals.

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